Communication is what might be regarded as the life blood of any relationship whether it is a loved one, a family, a business ... anywhere that there are two people or more. It is the ability to engage between different people and share information. So often the art of communication is misunderstood as the technology that supports the sharing of the information instead of the act of delivery, receipt and the most powerful part, the understanding.
At Fresh Eyes we have simplified the engagement required in a business to a simple triangle as illustrated in the diagram below. The key to remember is that communication is always between people - in this case it is between the Customers, Staff and the Leadership.
How you communicate is a completely different issue. In the diagram that site in the centre of the people that you need on the same page.
The value to your business of the key role-players all being on the same page which allows for engagement, experiential delivery of products and services and a massive increase in the sense of significance of everyone will always show up on your bottom line.
Too often Leadership make decisions on budgets, campaigns, vision and values and this is not translated to the key players in the business which are the staff. The Staff who are the people on the ground engaging with your Customers and ultimately creating experiences for them that either turn them into Raving Fans or Poison Passionistas (the ones that go away saying nothing to you, but tell their friends to avoid you).
Never, ever confuse how you communicate with the fact that you have to communicate and ensure that you are doing so effectively. It goes without saying that whilst you have a message to deliver that will ultimately benefit your business you should always remember that Customers and Staff are human beings.
Some tips to remember:
and most importantly
Believe in the power of Communication to enable your Staff to feel empowered to engage with your Customers and create experiences that will being them back time and time again.
Gill Bowmaker
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